Rail Bhawan, New Delhi-110001
The 32,438 vacancies advertised under the Centralised Employment Notification (CEN 08/2024) are for level 1 of the 7th CPC pay matrix. Candidates can check the Railway zone and post-wise details of the vacancies in annexure B of the notification.
The general eligibility criteria are the same for all posts. Candidates who have passed Class 10 or ITI or equivalent, or have a National Apprenticeship Certificate granted by the NCVT can apply for these vacancies. In addition, candidates should be at least 18 and not more than 36 years old on January 1, 2025.
The CBT will be held for 100 questions with negative marking of 1/3rd for incorrect answers. The exam duration will be 90 minutes. To pass the exam, unreserved and EWS category candidates will require 40 per cent marks while OBC (non-creamy layer), SC and ST candidates will need at least 30 per cent marks.The application fee is ₹250 for PwBD, Female, Transgender, Ex-Servicemen, SC, ST, Minority Community and Economically Backward Class (EBC) candidates. The application fee will be refunded after deducting bank charges after appearing for the CBT. The application fee for all other candidates is ₹500 and ₹400 will be refunded after appearing for the CBT.